Coat of Arms
Family Tree




Welcome to the de Valmency family website.

The primary purpose of this website is to share details of the de Valmency family history with anyone who may be interested.

However, portions of this site are held over to specific family members to use as they wish.

Sensitive information?

Although much, if not all, of the information contained on this site is already in the public domain and can be found freely by anyone with the inclination to search for it, due to the nature of family histories in general, there are usually certain aspects of a family's history that some living family members would rather not have 'aired in public' as it were.

Accordingly, if you have an interest in the de Valmency family, and you find anything on this site that is offensive to you or you would rather be kept out of the public eye, please use the contact pages to report the offending material to me and I will do my best to make sure that it is removed until such time as you feel appropriate.


Portrait of AEVR deValmency

A portrait of Alexander Edgar Vivian de Valmency and his wife Lillian Edith Tanner. The exact date is unknown, but is estimated to be about 1914.


Page last updated on: 16-Aug-2004